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Fishing Gear

Fishing Regulations


Revised 2022

1. Fishing Members

Each Fishing Member on payment of the Annual Subscription shall be entitled to:

a) A Fishing Members Ticket permitting them to fish the Club’s waters during the hours of daylight until one hour after sunset;

b) Any Member fishing before 09.00hrs and intending to continue fishing must vacate the beat by 09.00hrs and add their name to the Club’s slate;

c) Six complimentary Trout fishing vouchers for the use of their Guests not necessarily accompanying the Member. The vouchers must be exchanged for a Guest’s Day Ticket by the Club’s Representative, and must be applied for at the Club’s designated meeting venue, between 09.00hrs and 10.00hrs on the day of use only. From time to time it may be necessary to change this venue. Members will be informed via email and notice of a change of the Club’s designated meeting venue for ticket applications will be posted on the Club’s website;

d) The right to purchase additional Guest Day Tickets for fishing, at half the normal price, for use by Guests accompanying the Member on the same beat. These Guest Day Tickets must be obtained, on the day of use, from the Club’s Representative at the Club’s designated meeting venue, between 09.00hrs and 10.00hrs;

e) The right to obtain a free Junior Day ticket which must be noted on the slate. Juniors must be under the age of 18, on the day of fishing, and both accompanied and supervised by a Member;

f) Share their rod with a Junior, under the age of 18, provided the Member accompanies the Junior, only one rod is used and is noted on the slate.

2. Non Fishing Members

Each Non Fishing Member, on payment of the Annual Subscription, shall be entitled to:

a) A Non Fishing Members Ticket, which does not confer any rights to fish the Club’s waters; and

b) Two complimentary trout fishing Vouchers for the use of the Non Fishing Member or their Guests. Each Voucher must be exchanged for a Guest Day Ticket, on the day of use, by contacting the Club’s Representative at the Club’s designated meeting venue between 09.00hrs and 10.00hrs.

3. Guest

The definition of a Guest is:

a) A person who, having produced a Members Complimentary Fishing Voucher, is issued with a Guest Day Ticket obtained from the Club’s representative; or

b) A person who is sharing the Members rod under instruction (only one rod to be in use at a time) and noted on the slate.

c) Members will be responsible for the conduct of a Guest and for their familiarisation with the Club’s Rules and Fishing Regulations including beat limits and Environment Agency Regulations.

4. Visitor

a) The definition of a Visitor is a person fishing on a Visitor Day Ticket who is not the Guest of a Member.

b) Please note that payment for day tickets can be made by cash or cheque or preferably card on the day. Day tickets can also be purchased in advance via the website. Visitors purchasing day tickets online must report to the designated meeting venue (currently the Café by the Lake) prior to starting fishing, to be allocated a beat.

5. Beat Allocation

The Club’s Representative will be at the Club’s designated meeting venue between 09.00hrs and 10.00hrs to book beats and provide Guest or Visitor Day Tickets.

a) Any member unable to attend between 9am and 10am may choose a beat from unallocated beats on the slate displayed at the Club’s designated meeting venue or they may phone the Clubs Representative on 07544 859152 between 09.15hrs and 10.00hrs for a beat allocation. Beats are only allocated on the day and may not be booked in advance;

b) Members and their Guests (but not Visitors) may change beats after 2pm but every effort should be made not to inconvenience or give offence to anyone already in occupation of a beat;

c) Members are encouraged to exchange greetings with people met on the riverside to promote relationships between Members, to establish the credentials of other anglers, and to ensure friendly sharing of the beat; and

d) Visitors will not be allocated beats before 9.30am.

6. Fishing Season

The Trout fishing season will be as laid down by the Environment Agency.

7. Sale of Fish

No Member or their Guest or Visitor Day Ticket holder shall sell, barter or trade any fish taken from the Club’s waters. Live fish are not to be taken away from the Club’s waters.

8. Fishing Methods

a) Members may fish with Artificial fly, creeper or stonefly, at appropriate times, and upstream worm in low clear water after the 1st May on the two rivers above Amerdale Dub (Watersmeet) and on the main river below Amerdale Dub after 20th June;

b) Guests and Visitor Day Ticket holders may fish with Artificial fly only;

c) Save as above at rule 8a and rule 13c below, fishing with any bait, minnow, or spinning is not permitted; and

d) The use of barbless or de-barbed hooks is recommended.

9. Size, Bag Limit and Returns

All Members, Guests and Visitors are requested to ensure that:

a) All Trout less than 10 inches (25 centimetres) in length are returned to the water;

b) A total of, not more than, 3 brace of Trout shall be taken by any Member, Guest, or Visitor on any one day;

c) The 3 brace limit is to include not more than one brace taken above Kettlewell Bridge, with the proviso that all wild fish caught above Kettlewell Bridge shall be returned ;

d) All Grayling caught are returned to the river; and

e) The removal of all Rainbow Trout is recommended, but not mandatory, and if killed will not count towards the bag limit.

10. Membership Card

All persons fishing the Club’s waters shall:

a) Show their membership card when requested to do so by any Member or the Club’s Representative; and

b) Be in possession of a valid Environment Agency Rod Licence.

11. Visitors Day Tickets

Visitors should be aware that:

a) Subject to such conditions as the Committee may impose, a limited number of Day Tickets for Visitors may be obtained from the Club’s Representative at the Club’s designated meeting venue, between 9.30hrs and 10.00hrs and allow fishing for Trout between the hours of 09.30hrs and 1 hour after sunset.

b) Day Tickets are available at the discretion of the Club’s Representative having regard to the number of Members fishing.

c) Guest or Visitor Tickets are not available for Grayling Fishing.

12. Grayling Fishing

Members should be aware that:

a) After the end of the Trout season fishing for Grayling is permitted up to 28th February (inclusive);

b) Artificial fly only is permitted during October and November;

c) From 1st December until 28th February, in addition to artificial fly fishing, angling with float and worm (trotting) is permitted; and

d) All Grayling caught must be returned to the river unharmed.

13. Fishing Returns

When requested, all Members, Guests and Visitors will be required to make a return of the total number of fish caught and the total number of fish killed to the Club via the Club's website.

14. Car Parking

14.1. Members, and their Guests only, may park their cars at the upstream corner of the Show Field near to the pedestrian gate, at the top corner of the field above Mile House Dub and at Watersmeet behind the Club’s hut. 

14.2. Unless confirmed otherwise by the Committee car parking at the Club’s hut is limited to no more than 3 vehicles (one vehicle per adjacent beat) being: a) Byrom/Watersmeet: b) Watersmeet/Mile House; and c) Watersmeet/Skirfare Bridge.

14.3. Members may need to share a vehicle.

14.4. Any Member using vehicular access at 15.2 above, undertakes to secure all gates behind them and to only drive on the track. Driving on any part of the field is not permitted.

14.5. Members must not cause any damage to crops, including grass fields, by driving on them.

14.6. When parking on the public highway Members should not obstruct any access rights.

14.7. All parking is undertaken at the vehicle owners risk and the Club will not be responsible for any loss or damage whatsoever.

14.8. The Club has no legal right of access and these parking arrangements are available by kind permission only and, as such, may be withdrawn at any time.

15. Insurance

Members, Guests and Visitors are responsible for ensuring that they have current and appropriate insurance cover for their angling activities on the Club’s waters.

16. Safety

16.1. Members, Visitors and Guests are fully responsible for their own safety when visiting the Club’s waters and should familiarise themselves with the Club’s Health and Safety Guidelines.

16.2. The use of barbeques and open fires is not permitted.

17. General Matters

Where appropriate Members, Guests and Visitors are requested to immediately report to the Secretary:

a) Any damage to gates, stiles and fences etc;

b) Any suspected Poaching; and

c) All suspected pollution events (inform the Environment Agency on 0800 80 70 60).

18. Litter

All anglers are responsible for the removal of their refuse and litter from the riverbank and the Club’s fishing hut and for ensuring that all monofilament is properly disposed of away from the Club’s waters.

19. Club Rules and Fishing Regulations

These Fishing Regulations should be read in conjunction with the Club Rules. Members are requested to report any infringement of these Fishing Regulations to the Secretary who may refer the matter to the Committee for action.

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